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About Us – Who We Are & How We Started


Our vision is to create a place where you are treated fairly and with compassion; where we will listen to you and give you the time and support to create a funeral that is right for you and for the person you have lost.



In 2011, Keith Munt and Jenny Uzzell established Saint and Forster Funeral Directors Ltd. Keith has over 21 years’ experience in the funeral service and had been looking for an opportunity to put his ideas about a truly ‘bespoke’ funeral service into practice. Keith sees the future of the funeral service as being very much about personal choices and giving control of the funeral to the family and friends of the person who has died.

Keith and Jenny are passionate about their vision of providing a complete funeral service at reasonable and ethical prices, without compromising on excellent and personal service that puts you at the centre of the process every step of the way. They will tailor make a funeral that celebrates the life of your loved one in the way that means the most to you, however simple, elaborate or unusual that may be.

At Saint and Forster we aim to create a modern funeral service for the 21st Century. However we still hold dear the traditional values of caring, service and trust so you can be confident that you are in safe hands.

What We Promise To Do For You

The care and understanding you will receive from us comes not only from our training, but also from our personal experience of having lost those who are dear to us.

From the moment you walk into our office or pick up the phone we will be with you every step of the way so that you get exactly what you want. We want you to feel comfortable in calling us at any time of the day or night for reassurance, help or advice. We will guide you through the things that you need to do when somebody dies and make sure that you know about all of the options that are available to you when it comes to celebrating a life.

You are welcome to visit our offices, or ask us to come and visit you in your home, if you need help or advice about a funeral now or in the future. We are more than willing to provide any information you need without obligation.

We are completely transparent in our quotations and pricing so you will always know exactly what you are paying for and how much it will cost. We will never try to pressure you into buying things you don’t want or need.

It is our aim that you will always feel that it is you who is ‘in the driving seat’ and we hope that while your loved one is in our care you will feel that our offices become almost like an extension to your home. We will help you to plan the funeral you really want without making you feel rushed or pressured. In everything we do we will try to live up to our motto…’Funeral Care…Your Way’.


What Makes Us Different From A National Corporation

Unlike national corporations we, as an independent funeral director, answer to you and only you. We are not under pressure to produce large profits for the benefit of shareholders, and we do not have to follow company policy or directives. This means we can be as flexible as we need to be. We will always treat you as we would expect to be treated ourselves and we will make every funeral individual. No two people are the same so why should the funerals be?

Unlike a national corporation, independent funeral directors are not bound to particular suppliers. That means that we can provide you with any coffin you choose, from traditional wood or veneer to ‘green’ alternatives such as wicker or cardboard, or even something really out of the ordinary! We can also be very flexible and individual with our funeral arrangements. Rather than tying you down to a particular ‘package’ we can offer a genuine bespoke service.


Even if you want something a little unusual we can offer our help and advice and we will do our best to make it happen for you. Furthermore, because our overheads are comparatively low, we can afford to keep our prices low as well- giving you excellent value for money without compromising on quality or service.

Every funeral and every family is important to us. This means that we will give you all the time you need to think about your arrangements. We will talk you through all the decisions that have to be made and the options you have. Your needs will be our top priority and you will never be made to feel under pressure or rushed. We can also guarantee that you will deal with the same person throughout. The person you talk to about the funeral arrangements will be the same person who conducts the funeral and you will be able to speak to them at any point.

As an independent funeral director, we are an important part of the local community. We take great pride in our reputation for meticulous and professional service. If we don’t get it right you will let us know-so it is vital to us that we exceed your expectations-every time.

If you would like any more information about arranging a funeral or any of the other services we provide, please give us a call and speak to Keith or Jenny.

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Find Out More About Who We Are & How We Got Started






Keith is the owner and Co-Director of Saint and Forster Funeral Directors Ltd. He has 21 years experience of working in the funeral service in the Darlington area. Keith entered the profession because he wanted to be able to make a real difference to people at one of the most difficult times in their lives and at Saint and Forster he believes that he has found the perfect opportunity to make his vision into a reality. Keith has been awarded the Fellowship of the Royal Society for the Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) for Saint and Forster’s honest and innovative approach to the funeral service.


If you phone Saint and Forster you may find yourself speaking to Jenny Uzzell, Co-Director and Office Manager. Jenny is Keith’s partner and left teaching a few years ago to become involved in the company. Jenny has over 20 years’ experience as an RE teacher and Head of Department and is an expert in World Religions having gained an MA from the University of Wales in Lampeter. She is currently studying for a PhD with Prof. Douglas Davies at the University of Durham. Her doctoral work is looking at the ways in which new rituals and memorial practices are emerging in modern funerals. Jenny has had articles published in the Journal for the Study of Religious Experience (JSRE) and the Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religion. (JBASR); and is an occasional author for Moon Books publications. As well as her role at Saint and Forster, Jenny is a Senior Examiner for Religious Studies and an occasional Consultant to The Religious Education Council. Jenny oversees much of the admin and PA work at Saint and Forster and is learning all aspects of the business. She is an active member of the Good Funeral Guild and believes it is important to use the knowledge and experience gained in her academic life to work for changes in the funeral service.